0.000 CCD |  0.000 SQM
0.000 BRO |  0.000 LGN
0.000 HIVE |  0.000 SWAP.HIVE



Wallet Overview



Hive Power:

coming soon

HIVE Savings:

coming soon

HBD Savings:

coming soon

Your CCP rank:


Voting Mana
Downvote Mana
Resource Credits

CryptoCompany CEO Voting Service
(Yes, the voting service with the best price/performance ratio on the Hive Blockchain...)

Bonus Burn!
Actually 100%
of the CCD is burned!

In line with the mission to support the Hive Blockchain and make it more relevant, I have set up this voting service. Not only does it offer you a profitable way to use your CCD and provide your postings with HTU, but it also serves CryptoCompany CEO and the market to stabilize the price of his tokens. This service calculates the price so that the ratio between CCD and vote always brings a profitable factor for the user.

This service is currently in the test phase and can still be edited as a result. The normal burn rate of CCD is 20% and is documented in the blockchain data and articles by @cryptocompany.

Be aware: I check every link manually. Acting against the restrictions makes no sense.

This voting service is available in different strengths. This mechanism is built because on the one hand I would like to offer this service to every Hivian (according to the restrictions) and on the other hand I would like to thank the supporters of the CryptoCompany. As a supporter of CryptoCompany and the Hive Blockchain I assume you will welcome this measure to stabilise the value of the CCD token. Both should be welcomed by fans of the Hive Blockchain and CryptoCompany. Your CCD stake is automatically monitored and you will be whitelisted accordingly.

With staked $CCD

100,000 CCD or more = up to a 60% vote every 20 hours.
200,000 CCD or more = up to a 70% vote every 16 hours.
300,000 CCD or more = up to a 80% vote every 12 hours.
400,000 CCD or more = up to a 90% vote every 12 hours.
500,000 CCD or more = up to a 100% vote every 12 hours.

Good to know:
earn double & triple!

With staked CCDollar you not only unlock functions in your CryptoCompany, but also collect CCPower. CCPower gives you a whole bunch of advantages! I'm pretty sure you'll want to find out your benefits!

Without staked $CCD

Without a CCD stake or less than 100,000 CCD staked you can receive a vote value up to 50% every 24 hours.

This service is not intended to support low-quality content. Each article is checked manually before voting unless the account where receives the vote is on our voter whitelist. If you have any doubts about the suitability of your content, please ask @cryptocompany in a comment below the related article. I will then check and give you feedback on whether this type of content is okay.


Content must be in English, at least as an integrated second version/translation.
Content that was largely generated by artificial intelligence is not allowed.
NSFW content not allowed.
Memes or any kind of copy&paste produced sweepstakes that are not related to CryptoCompany CEO. Sweepstakes for other projects can be okay - but not if it is the typical daily/weekly repeating copy&paste stuff.
Content from accounts with a Hive reputation less than 55.
Accounts on the CryptoCompany blacklist.

Questions? Something unclear or questionale?

Let's have a small chat on the blockchain or via Discord - there you can describe your topic and I can give you the answer.

Your next vote is possible in:

Due to high popularity & demand, only posts made within the last 24 hours are eligible for voting:

Please log in to view your posts and use the voting feature.

Desired quantity of CCD:

500 CCD
This means a 50.00% vote from CCCEO related accounts + trail and approximately* 0.58 USD/HTU for your post, not including trail accounts.

*= Please note that the actual value of the vote may vary depending on the current market price or our mana at the time of the vote. We are working on the live calculation.

Exchange $CCD to votes on your postings.

Use your CCD token to have posts voted on the Hive Blockchain by us and our voting trail. The math is pretty simple when you calculate how much CCD you invest to get X HP and HBD as a reward for a post.

Don't have any CCD? Now is the best time to buy them and use them profitably!

Vote & support to be listed as an honorable supporter!

Current supporters:

Become number 1!

Supporters last week:
